Friday, January 11, 2019

Why the HECK Are You Doing THAT?!?

Today, I had another "Why the HECK are you doing THAT (teaching high school English) again - you are such a good (mental health) Therapist!" comment from an old friend.

I get them periodically - along with the "What's happening with your startup company (bridging mental and physical health in new ways)?" It always makes me chuckle, even though there's a tiny part of me that also feels a little lost sometimes, too. But, I think that's part of the process of doing things that no one else has done before. It's also the same process to do anything you really want to do because if it's important enough to you, you should feel both exhilaration and fear.

Short answer is, I love all my hats and all the things I am good at.

I love working with people - even teens (I know, I am a weirdo - especially since two of them come home with me every day). I also feel like I do the same thing whether I am teaching people to use a semi-colon, read Shakespeare, lift weights, feed their faces better, or face their mental health challenges with purpose and spirit.

Long answer is, my special talent is to help people find the things they need to get to where they want to be - whether they know exactly where that place is yet, or not.

I know this because I have Seniors (I know, right? EIGHTEEN-YEAR-OLDS) question me on days I am not as motivationally moved as others. I remind them I am human and no one has a perfect streak every day. Plus, my fall-back mode is simply my enjoyment (or nosiness) in knowing other people.

I also know this because everything in my life - from all the moves, to all the friends, to all the opportunities I have been given - are still leading me to what I want. Do I want a successful business of my very own? Absolutely. Do I want to help not just hundreds (well, thousands, by now) of people, but millions? Heck, yeah. Do I want to bring change to the education and health care systems? Yes, yes, yes. But, I have to remind myself that the end is not the means and that there is more than just ME directing my journey there.

I provide the what, who, which, and why... and the Universe provides the where and how.

I think? That's exactly why the heck I'm alive. :)

Now... why the HECK are /you/ doing THAT?!?!

<3, JonniKhat

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