So, we have had some issues in my District with acceptance - like all of America is having - and part of my job is helping people find themselves and how to safely, and healthily, navigate the world.
I'll be honest, it's been hard reading the 2% of parents in my District who think LGBTQ+ kids should not have a Club, a voice, or be recognized because it might somehow "harm" other children... and staying silent on those posts has been even harder, but I know I need to just sit back and listen and watch (at least on the posts) in order to help and heal the 98% who are saying everything honest - from being nervous about it to being fully on board with accepting our kids as they are and realizing that the REASON our kids are suffering (in part) is because they don't feel like they have a voice.
I'll be honest, it's been hard reading the 2% of parents in my District who think LGBTQ+ kids should not have a Club, a voice, or be recognized because it might somehow "harm" other children... and staying silent on those posts has been even harder, but I know I need to just sit back and listen and watch (at least on the posts) in order to help and heal the 98% who are saying everything honest - from being nervous about it to being fully on board with accepting our kids as they are and realizing that the REASON our kids are suffering (in part) is because they don't feel like they have a voice.
The strongest and most resilient teens of the 80s and 90s - we rebelled and made a voice. These days, it seems that there's some irrational fear that my kid's unique view of themselves in their world will rub off on YOUR kid (who, let's be honest, you EXPECT them to have YOUR unique view of them instead of THEIR own). So... seriously, 2%, what are you REALLY afraid of? I can tell you, my LGBTQ+ friends - my parents - or anyone else - have never changed who I really am, inside.
On the other hand, you seem to be 2% who are vocalizing your fear and personal issues with others being themselves. Maybe we need a new DSM diagnosis: "Ego Driven Judgment Self Esteem Disorder" aka, "NOT IN MY HOUSE!" oh.. wait - that's Narcissism.
P.S. I can't stop my soapbox... because all I can think of is how similar that 2% is to all the ^% voices who did - and still do - think that "other kid's" race, ethnicity, culture, religion, style, personality, language, perceived intelligence, problems, etc... will "rub off" on your special snowflakes. Kids are - hell, people are - by nature, curious. However, I guarantee you that knowing what gay means will not make your kid gay any more than knowing what melanin is will make them tan or black. In fact, it might make them a better person to understand their friends and peers. BOOM!!!
Be good to yourself, and kind to others. That, alone, is the true way to find true happiness.
<3 ~ Jonni Khat
Be good to yourself, and kind to others. That, alone, is the true way to find true happiness.
<3 ~ Jonni Khat
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